"You know education, if you make the
most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, and you make an
effort to be smart, you can do well, and if you don’t you get stuck in
OK, he was supposed to say, "...you get us stuck in Iraq." And then he went on to fail to clarify the botched joke (but that's Kerry all over.)
But did anyone not understand that it was Bush was who was referred to as, "not making the most of his education, not studying hard, not making an effort...?" Or (even reading it as spoken) that it was Bush who was "stuck in Iraq?" Well not as "stuck" as as the 2,829 dead, 44,799 wounded, or the 150,000 poor schmucks who, out of patriotism and love of community, volunteered for the National Guard, expecting to respond to civil disorder and national disaster and wound up with extended tours in some hell-hole where we can't even say what "victory," let alone "Mission Accomplished" would mean?!?!
But, along with the party that supported him (until recently,) mired, slimed, thrashing helplessly, stuck in Iraq.
Where even our hand-picked government won't let us search for a US serviceman known to have been kidnapped by militants, for g*d's sake.
So what's the most import?
A) Kerry's botched joke
B) Tom Cuise's new deal
C) The total, abysmal, disastrous, insane entry into the war and and it's mindless, endless, goalless prosecution?
"...errors in judgment..."?! Hillary, do you mean "blind, stupid acts that were were opposed by our best military analysts when they were proposed, and those analysts fired?
Perhaps you mean, "Ignored the possibility of an insurgency from the newly enfreed Islamacist factions and a whole shitload of foreigners who have trooped into Iraq over borders unprotected by our insufficient troops?
For the plain-English speaking among you, read. "Are there setbacks? Yes. Should we have anticipated this by listening to the finest minds in the civilian and military establishments instead of firing them for being "nervous Nellies"? Yes. Does the enemy have a brain and continue to make adjustments on the ground requiring our forces to make adjustments? You bet," he said.
"Is that going to continue to be the case? I think so. Is this problem going to get solved in the near term about this long struggle against violent extremism? No, I don't believe it is."
"premature withdrawal...can have a high failure rate" and is not an effective terrorist control method, nor is "premature entry"
"So, in essence, we don't know what the fuck to do now..."
So, who here remembers our "Catastrophic success" there?
British envoy warned of civil war
Don't it pain ya when your best buds finally decide you are a complete dork? Looks like we'll be able to eat French Fries und Vienerschnitzel again soon, but may have to give up fish'n'chips.
This is so fucking cute
*The war going as planned? Absurd concept. See, ya gotta have a plan tor anything to go according to it.
The “Decider” and Deputy and Assistant Deciders of Action in Iraq are much more like the Underwear Gnomes of South Park: “Phase One: Collect underpants. Phase Three: Profit”
Ya see?: “Phase One: Start war. Phase Three: Profit” Except in the war Phase Three started at the same time as Phase One. There never was a Phase Two. It received as much attention from The Idiot Monkey Crew as it did from The Underwear Gnomes.
‘Course there were some folks who thought there should be some attention paid to Phase Two, but they were fired.
The public just smiled…and re-elected the Idiot Monkey Crew because they felt their leader was actually doing a good job or it would be unwise to change horses in the middle of the flood even if the horse they were on had four broken legs, was blind, and had spent its life eating Jimson weed.